

This worksheet includes four sentences. Each sentence includes the same verb (sit) and the same subject (cat) but each is different in terms of preposition of place and the colour of the object (chair) in the sentence.

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This worksheet includes four sentences. Each sentence includes the same verb (sit) and the same subject (cat) but each is different in terms of preposition of place and the colour of the object (chair) in the sentence.

The worksheet can be used in two aspects:


The learner reads the sentence and chooses the right image. With each sentence, four images are given and numbered (A, B, C, and D). The sentences are designed to make the learner focus on the colour and the preposition of place. The right choice will depend on the learner’s comprehension of the sentence. 


For this activity, the teacher can ask the learner related questions:

ماذا ترى في الصورة؟

أين تجلس القطة؟

ما لون الكرسي الذي تجلس بجانبه القطة؟

Such questions will help the learner in several aspects:

  • learn and memorise the names of colours in a simple text.
  • learn about prepositions of place with illustrations


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